CRITÉRIUM OVERDRIVE, Queensway Television, Singapore (2024)
The Long Measure (one-night presentation), Dazibao, Montreal (2025)
L'archéologie de l'oubli, D.D.D.D., New York (2025)
The Dailies N˚2, TOPO, Montreal (2026)
Thomas l'obscur.e, first feature-length film, pre-production
In Production:
The Blessing of the Throats/La bénédiction des gorges
Soleil-astre, soleil-fleurs (2012-2024)
The Pasolini Suite | Entropic of Malinkovich
Let's Begin Again
The Dailies
SCHWINDEL, or, We Will Never Reach Such Vertiginous Heights
Hideous Intimacies (featuring The Multitudinous Ends, Part 2)
La lanterne
CRITÉRIUM OVERDRIVE, Queensway Television, Singapore (2024)
The Long Measure (one-night presentation), Dazibao, Montreal (2025)
L'archéologie de l'oubli, D.D.D.D., New York (2025)
The Dailies N˚2, TOPO, Montreal (2026)
Thomas l'obscur.e, first feature-length film, pre-production
In Production:
The Blessing of the Throats/La bénédiction des gorges
Soleil-astre, soleil-fleurs (2012-2024)
The Pasolini Suite | Entropic of Malinkovich
Let's Begin Again
The Dailies
SCHWINDEL, or, We Will Never Reach Such Vertiginous Heights
Hideous Intimacies (featuring The Multitudinous Ends, Part 2)
La lanterne