Stephanie E. Creaghan is a multidisciplinary artist who makes work about how violence presents itself in communication, combining different forms of language (visual/audio/spatial/temporal) to reveal latent forms of manipulation. Their first major solo exhibition, Hideous Intimacies, was presented at Pangée (Montreal) in 2019. Recent exhibitions and works include Soleil-astre, soleil-arbre, a public sculpture installed at Outremont Park (Montreal), and The Dailies at the Cinémathèque québécoise (Montreal) in 2023. They have exhibited and performed in Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, and Prague, and completed international residencies in Paris, France, Stolpe/Oder, Germany, New York, USA, and Wexford, Ireland, as well as at the Centre for Expanded Poetics in Montreal.
They perform music under the moniker Soeur Acéphale. They produce all of their own work under the title L'entretien infini, and are open for hire as producer, line producer or production manager at the email address below. C.V. upon request. Pour toutes requêtes d'oeuvres, de collaboration, ou d'embauche/for all work, collaboration or hiring requests: [email protected] |