Soleil-astre, soleil-fleurs (2012-2024)
Soleil-astre, soleil-fleurs (2012-2024) is a fibre and video sculpture installation that spans a decade-long vested interest in sacrifice, sound, and the incandescence of death in life, and brings together three major works that are the fruit of this reflection. The installation is made up of three major works: 1. Soleil-astre, soleil-fleurs (2012), a video where a performer wears a hat crowned in lit candles and ambles aimlessly, inspired by an anecdote of Vincent van Gogh going out to paint a nighttime scene in Arles from La Mutilation Sacrificielle et l’oreille coupée de Vincent van Gogh by Georges Bataille, 2. Soleil-astre, soleil-arbre (2022), the first eco-responsible ephemeral sculpture installed at Outremont Park during summer 2022 and created using recycled theatre scrim (inspired by Robert Irwin's From Dust to Dawn and the Cy Twombly gallery at the Minel Collection) screen printed with the final paragraph of Judith Kenyeres' poem, The Flamenco Tree and recycled metal, and 3. Soleil-astre, soleil-choeur (2024, to be completed) a sculpture and sound installation made with recycled metal, wax candle casts of spark plugs, and a building choir song which comes to life once all of the candles have burned out.